Hey y’all. Here’s one… when I put the fabric patch around the fin box, do I put it on the foam, under the whole layer? It wouldn’t go on top right… Just asking to make sure. Sombody set me straight please. colegero
Hey y’all.>>> Here’s one… when I put the fabric patch around the fin box, do I put it > on the foam, under the whole layer? It wouldn’t go on top right… Just > asking to make sure. Sombody set me straight please. colegero I am not sure what you are talking about exactly, ‘tho I think you are talking about putting a patch or “band aide” over box to keep it from bustin’ out.We put the patch on AFTER the whole boards is glassed and finished A couple layers 4oz volan cloth does the trick-sands out real smooth so you cant tell, by feeling, it’s been done after the fact.Never had a box bust out.Had a fin sheared in half but the box was O-KAY!
I am not sure what you are talking about exactly, ‘tho I think you are > talking about putting a patch or “band aide” over box to keep it > from bustin’ out.We put the patch on AFTER the whole boards is glassed and > finished A couple layers 4oz volan cloth does the trick-sands out real > smooth so you cant tell, by feeling, it’s been done after the fact.Never > had a box bust out.Had a fin sheared in half but the box was O-KAY! Thanks for the reply, but I’m talkin about the Initial glassing. I’m a bit inarticulate at times (eg. yesterdays post) But it’s the Diamond shaped reinforcement patch that covers the last foot and a half, where the fin(s) go. Or say the knee padling patch on the deck of the board… When your glassing the board, do thes patches go under the top layer for the deck, or only layer for the bottom? I’m going to glass my first board this weekend, and plan on including a fin reinforcement patch. I’m thinking my logic is right, but a little reinforce ment would be nice. colin
Thanks for the reply, but I’m talkin about the Initial glassing. I’m a bit > inarticulate at times (eg. yesterdays post) But it’s the Diamond shaped > reinforcement patch that covers the last foot and a half, where the fin(s) > go. Or say the knee padling patch on the deck of the board… When your > glassing the board, do thes patches go under the top layer for the deck, > or only layer for the bottom? I’m going to glass my first board this > weekend, and plan on including a fin reinforcement patch. I’m thinking my > logic is right, but a little reinforce ment would be nice.>>> colin As for a deck patch, we have found it to be stronger when glassed on AFTER the fact.As for the fin patch area I don’t know what works best for tri-fins since I don’t ride 'em.I know Liddle reinforces the boxes on his 2+1 set-ups individually as I described in my first reply.Hopefully someone can give you better input on the fin area patch question.Good luck on your glassing!
Well, what to do with the fin patch ended up being the least of my problems… This was my first go at Laminating, and boy howdy do I need some more practice. Give me your scariest ding repair project, and I do alright, but I know what it feels like to be a one armed paper hanger!!! It will be a fine board one of these days, Just not going to let any of you guys look at it to close!! Colin