Fin Placement Ect...

Yeh, its easy to tell somebody to do a search in the old files, but all the old stuff that came up is BUNK. My thruster set is done, can’t go back, My question is for only those who SHAPE LONG Boards, 10’1" or the Like, and can tell me a good measurment for a single fin from the tail 9" fin… I don’t need to be told to do a search, I looked, so Bruce…are you out there? Give me a lu-git number …6" from Tail??? No more wild Goose Chases… Thanks Don’t mean to take anything out on the board, just fed up with out the waves, or the time to complete this Board!!!

Yeh, its easy to tell somebody to do a search in the old files, but all > the old stuff that came up is BUNK. My thruster set is done, can’t go > back, My question is for only those who SHAPE LONG Boards, 10’1" or > the Like, and can tell me a good measurment for a single fin from the tail > 9" fin… I don’t need to be told to do a search, I looked, so > Bruce…are you out there? Give me a lu-git number …6" from > Tail??? No more wild Goose Chases… Thanks Don’t mean to take anything > out on the board, just fed up with out the waves, or the time to complete > this Board!!! I hope you get some waves before you kill somebody!

Yeh, its easy to tell somebody to do a search in the old files, but all > the old stuff that came up is BUNK. My thruster set is done, can’t go > back, My question is for only those who SHAPE LONG Boards, 10’1" or > the Like, and can tell me a good measurment for a single fin from the tail > 9" fin… I don’t need to be told to do a search, I looked, so > Bruce…are you out there? Give me a lu-git number …6" from > Tail??? No more wild Goose Chases… Thanks Don’t mean to take anything > out on the board, just fed up with out the waves, or the time to complete > this Board!!! I have a suggestion for you, put a long box in your board at 51/2" and move the fin around until you find where it works the best!