Fin placement for "modern" twins with a trailer...

I’ve been trying to decide where to place the fins on a board very similar to Tom Sternes 7’0 Hybrid egg. I’d like to use a trailer with some big future 512 twins but also use it as just a twin. Any ideas on a compromise between Tom’s 9.25" from swallow tips to base edges and the typical thruster set up that might work as a twin? Anyone have any measurements for more modern fish/twins? Thanks for your help, especially Tom.

Aka, There are several factors that determine fin placement on these boards. The wider the tail (especially the tail block measurement) the more on the tail you’ll need to put your back foot, hence the rearward placement of the side fins. As the tail narrows and the tail rocker increases a bit, you’ll be able to move the fins up a bit as you’ll have a more forward stance. Fin size is a huge factor; as the fins move up they need to get bigger in MOST but not all instances. this in itself can start to cause problems if the size gets too big as other design variables must be utilized to accomodate the fins. There are so many other considerations to your question! One of my all time favorite boards in this catagory was a 7 -0 round squash tail 14 1\2 nose, 21 wide with a 15 inch tail, widepoint at center. 5 inches nose rocker, 2 1\2 in the tail. The side fins were FCS TF1 at 12 inches from the tail with the trailer at 3 3\4 up. Good luck. aloha