Fin setup suggestions for my ( soon to be! ) old minimal

Well, board number 1 is getting closer and closer to being ready. Just need to run a bead of resin on the tail rail ( tape didn’t work too well !! ), than sand, and add fins and leash plug. So, im thinking about what to do with my current board. Its a 7,6 minimal, which was originally a thruster, however, not long after i got it, i snapped a side fin. So it became a single fin. Anyway, when the first board is ready, i want to put some more fins back onto my minimal, and i want some crazy, zany swaylocks inspired suggestions please!, no thrusters, or single fins, something wacky like a bonzer, or twinzer!!, whatever you think the boards shape will suit, or maybe even not suit!. The board is quite old and yellow, and i wont be stripping it, just removing the fin that’s there now, and sanding the area flat. Help me out people!!!. Here are the pics. By the way, check out the bodgy araldyte repairs i made a while ago!! .

BTW specs are 16inch nose 21 1/2 widepoint, 14 1/2 tail.

curved side fins and a center box, fer shure.