fin slash

My surfboard got a 8" cut by a fin and at the rail it’s about 3/4" deep. It forms a / when i removed the broken fiberglass and foam, what’s the best way to fix it? Thanks.

fill with a qcell and resin mix. Let cure. Sand flush. Prep an area for cloth by sanding. Laminate a 6oz patch. Cheater coat. Hot coat. Sand. Pat yourself on back. Catch another wave.

pico’s got it right.


i like to use a  foam wedge instead of qcell,but both will work well.


Here in the philippines we don’t have Qcell but we have some stuff that’s just used to make the resin thick but does not add volume to the resin.
I think if i do this it would add to mutch weight. The foam wedge is i think a better idea but can i do it with the damage not reaching the deck?
I ask this because i have only done this method if the damage reaches the deck and i cut out the whole damage and fill with foam.

hard to understand what you mean with out a picture of “damage not reaching the deck”, maybe I am reading it wrong, but Just use the exact same process but substitute a piece of foam for qcell. Glue your filler piece in, then sand it flush and glass over. 

   I always try to work with whats there and not do anymore damage to the board in order to fix it. Unless  a stringer splint needs to be Installed on a broken board.