Fin template effects on hydrodynamics.

In regards to performance, how would a boomerang-style fin compare to an upright, Greenough-style fin when used on a egg-shaped shortboard in the 6’-7’ range? Are there noticible differences in drive? Manuverability? Speed?

In regards to performance, how would a boomerang-style fin compare to an > upright, Greenough-style fin when used on a egg-shaped shortboard in the > 6’-7’ range?>>> Are there noticible differences in drive? Manuverability? Speed? Boomerang fins lack the ability to drive because the area is split into to parts. Teh old hand example: take two fingers like your index and pinky and hold back your middle and ring finger with your thubm. Now drag those in the water. Take two adjacent fingers, your index and middle, and drag those against the water. There is a certain level of looseness to a boom. fin but you can get a fin called the “billy goat” it has a wide base and goes into a really raked out extended flank. This fin has been around for over 40 years. It was designed and riden by some of the worlds best surfers here in La Jolla Calif. Few knew it by the name billy goat. egg-shaped shortboard…don’t know tat you would bennefit from the billy goat fin, an egg is riden by low level surfers who realy can’t take advantage of the billy goat. Stick with a banana fin and play around with it’s position. PS. A 6’6" rounded pin tail is probablyu what you really need.

Boomerang fins lack the ability to drive because the area is split into to > parts.>>> Teh old hand example: take two fingers like your index and pinky and hold > back your middle and ring finger with your thubm. Now drag those in the > water. Take two adjacent fingers, your index and middle, and drag those > against the water.>>> There is a certain level of looseness to a boom. fin but you can get a fin > called the “billy goat” it has a wide base and goes into a > really raked out extended flank. This fin has been around for over 40 > years. It was designed and riden by some of the worlds best surfers here > in La Jolla Calif. Few knew it by the name billy goat. egg-shaped > shortboard…don’t know tat you would bennefit from the billy goat fin, > an egg is riden by low level surfers who realy can’t take advantage of the > billy goat. Stick with a banana fin and play around with it’s position.>>> PS. A 6’6" rounded pin tail is probablyu what you really need. Another fin that came out of the Wind an Sea area that was used on 9 footers might work. It is called the “sheeps head”. Never mind the name, well actually if you guys are fisherman…and I do get that impression because I have heard you guys making templates with fishing poles. At any rate, it is shape like a fish called the sheeps head. The fin looks kinda like an oversized bonzer, but is set with slight cant, 1 degree maybe. I have tried it out on a new fin config. called the ez-4. Basically it is a four fin with the baby sheeps rear set at the mid point of the two bigger back fins which have the shape of the gl-2000’s-a variation of the baby blue-fins. I use fcs plugs but get these fins here in San Diego in red cedar, koa, bali ebony. Haven’t had any break off or rot or anything. They are hot bathed in a almond oil and baked in a humidified over at a really low temp for three days. Don’t know what the hell happens in their but the fins have the nicest flex you have ever seen. It is kinda hard to fiind the guy who makes them. kinda a 60’s throw back guy living in a V-Dub van. When he is around, I get at least three sets made.