fin templete for a fish


got a question, I’ve searched for a templete for fins to fit a fish? and I haven’t found one yet?

Have I missed something(?), post a link if thats the case, so I’m not wasting your time…

I’m planning to build two fins from ply… Any ideas how they should look?


Just search fish fin template in the forums there’s enough info there to have you reading for ages.

heres a thread with your basic template on:;search_string=fish%20fin%20template;#187031

allright, sry…


Be glad to snail mail you some, too. Mike

i like the gephardt keels

i can fax or mail you some templates if you’d like.

Yeah! that would be awsome!


okay mate, here’s some templates. three were given to me by rooster, one i had already from a friend’s dano. if you like them you can print them out & then blow them up to size on a photocopier. as you can see, the dimensions are written on the keels. i hope this helps.

Oldy…You rule. Just what i was looking for aswell. And thanks rooster for giving them to oldy to provide to us



no worries cheater. i used the fourth template for a 5’7" twin keel fish i made last year. goes a treat.

again, i’d like to give credit to rooster, who went to the trouble of snail-mailing me the templates. thanks once again mike. all i’m doing is spreading & sharing the love.