I am a fairly new shaper (only about 10 boards or so) and I have to do all the processes and my galssing is steadily improving but i can’t seem to get a shine or ultra smoooth finish on my boards after sanding. I can still see swirl marks even after 320 gt and i was wondering if anyone has some wisdom on a mirror finish on regular sanded boards
If you meant a gloss coat, not the hot coat…
We passed on 320 altogether.
Sureform the rail line first, finishing with light touch.
Start with 600 on a polishing sander at low RPM’s.
Wet, then lower pressure while increasing RPM.
Rubbing compound now needs to be used.
Then finishing/polishing compound finished at high RPM, low power, very light pressure.
I did mean the hotcoat more so than the gloss because i don’t do much gloss coating at all, but i see other performance short boards and fish’s and the only way i can hide my sratches is with clear krylon, which sucks.
Howzit 2WD, Those scratches could be from the heavy grit paper you started with and didn’t sand out with lighter grit paper. When I’m coming to the end of grit phase I rev up my grinder which helps remove the scratches and kind of polishes the board for the next grit. Also after you finish sanding try using what we call a rice pot scrubber (green with no sponge ) to take out any scratch marks left. Aloha,Kokua