finished my woody

finished my board

its a 6’L - 20"W - 3/4"T mahogany with maple.

photos of my progress

wow. How much does it weigh?

Is that chambered or solid? I couldn’t find any pics of the chambering if it is. The choice of wood looks great, hope it goes as well.

get back to work jase! lol

It looks very nice,

What are the rocker dimensions?

the thread title is quite irrisistable

I clilcke on it and my imagination was rheeling

with smart alec snipes

I saw a car I saw a plethora of alternatives and

was pleasntly impressed to see it was a wooden surfboard.


Yeah I finished one too!

sorry I just had to do it.

I didn’t really.

It’s just the carpenter in me.

And I a m A bad carpenter.

oh yeah nice board .


it does have some chambering the center 7 have holes drilled out

  O   O  O   O  O  O  O  O

im not sure on exact weight but some where around 45-60 lbs

it does float and is ridable but would be insane hard to do.(im not going to try)(for if i was to get washer machined with it, there is a high chance i would die)

as for the rocker i have not a clue. i hand shaped the entire thing with no guide but my eyes.

Hey Captain,

Its a shame it won’t get surfed but I hear your concern, 45 -60 lb is a big heavy lump of a board to get wrapped around your cranium. My hollows come out at about 1/2 that and hurt plenty when pounding your skull.

Having said all that…Surely just the once though!!!


Howzit the dog?

What dya mean get back to work, this is my work. And now it is done. I bid thee fairwell!


Chipper, come home!