6’6’’ x 19 x 2 3/8 . Nose-13 ½ Tail- 14 ¼ ( these measurements will both suit the Indo waves as your step up board and also minimize
problems adjusting between boards, something you don’t want to do in good, heavy Indo waves)
Rounded pin tail ( or round but the rounded pin is ideal for flying through indo sections )
Quad fin (slightly larger fins for the front especially in Indo)
Concaves work the best in these waves and i would do a shallow single to a double through the fins
Flat deck with full to medium rails ( hard crisp edges in back 2 feet of tail for that little extra drive and hold in bigger waves)
Nice even gradual curve throughout the whole board ( making sure there is enough curve in nose to make surfing hollow waves easier)
Howzit twisted, Find a surf shop with FCS demo fins and try some, best way to figure what works best. I think the fact that FCS has the fin demo program was one of their best promotional moves they made.Aloha,Kokua