
What do you think is the easiest and most efficient way to go…

`FCS Skegs (removable)

`Glass on (stays on longest)

`Future (the new skeg system)

Fins for what size board, what kind of board, how many fins (single, twin, tri, more?), for what kind of surf???

The answer you seek is a very subjective one. It depends on a great many variables. Need more info.

Im riding a 5ft 6in fish with twin fin.

Waves i ride anywher from 3 to 6 feet

I like wooden keel fins. Glassed on. That being said. My newest fish has the Future keel fins and it works great. I defer to Bill Thraikill, of course. mike

I just installed some proboxhawaii boxes on my new 5’10" quad fish. EZ install. The kit includes the box template. Box accepts FCS fins. You should check the details at

I too, defer to Bill Thraikill.


I have 2 fish. One has glass on keels I made out of walnut. They look great.

The other fish has ProBox boxes. I’ve used five different pairs of fins on the board, and now have it dialed in.

Guess which board I surf more often???

Michael. Tim. You gentlemen flatter me. To the question, for a “classic” Fish, glass on Keels for sure. (If you really know where to put them.) Otherwise some adjustability is desireable to dial it in, per Keith’s comment. Just jump in and do it. Worst case is that you learn from the experience.

The glass on board

Nope. I much prefer the more modern fin design. Your mileage may vary, of course…

PS I do ride the fish w/ glass on fins, but prefer it as a kneeboard.

glass ons as I don’t play with fins . . . .that said, I had borrowed a friends board that was a dog, and he got futures fiberglass fins, and i used those . . . board suddenly was a star. Of course it was quickly reclaimed.

FCS, had a bumtech board with them, no issues. But friends of mine have snapped snapped snapped while doing carrier landings in foam or belly slides into soft sand . … maybe their new plugs may help but are they backwards compatible with current / older fcs plugs?