FIREWIRE brings paulownia to the masses

industry and surfing are two words i dont put together. no industry. no surfers is all good imo. but then again i guess im spoiled surfing uncrowded reefs. its sad when a whole van of goofballs with the latest shortboards turn up at a break at once. and to be honest i dont give a rats arse what they are riding

btw check this out. nomex honeycomb and carbon

vintage lightnening bolt for sale in NZ . it has 3 fins omg



I like Queensland plantation Cedar. Palonia is too expensive. 


I will be coming back into the market shortly with my first Model. What Flywire is doing we did a long long time ago. I’ll keep this short as I’m still navigating this forum. 


Who is we? you ask. Give ‘Doris’ a call or Chris Garret. or maybe Grant Newbry :wink:






The dropping the board after a surf was just used as an example.

I’ve never done it but I saw a few people drop their boards while washing them off during that last swell.


I do know I had one of the latest and greatest tech construction (and top dollar) boards made down the Gold coast.

It arrived with a sand through on the rail. It dinged much easier than any of the Firewire boards I’ve had regardless of whether they were fst or rapidfire.

The glass job was simply brittle. While resistant to pressure denting it would crack if knocked (lightly) on the edge of a doorway or whatever.

It also yellowed rapidly while never being left out in the sun and always kept in a board bag while inside the garage.

Sold it off and it had low resale value to boot.

I’m up for trying new tech but it gets costly when the board has low resale value if it doesn’t work out.


So who’s making glass-less (or semi glass-less) boards that are light and strong which sell for under a $1000 with a good range of shapes to choose from and have re-sale value in case the board doesn’t fit the bill?


Give me a month or two … they’ll be a lot less than 1k… Range of shapes will come later. 

Resale? Well we’ll see. 



Ive made glassless boards Cuttle…not as a commercial product , but for myself and a few mates…I think a lot of people have done the same or a similar thing…but , I’m still yet to see anything as clean and pretty as a new board that’s gone through the hands of a tradesman sander and polisher…they are the unsung heroes of surfboard building , and have so much skill…and it’s not just showroom fluff , its the finishing touch on a truelly wellmade product…anything else is a compromise…


10 yrs ago  and not the first  so whats the point?

note fin system under glass  superceeds the other i would say

nothings new it all keeps going round and round


  cheers huie


 **  cuttle fong has me doing a demo this week  you can have first go **


   any input ya need to hurry     but it will have cork raw

and it will be aimed at you poor old cripples  haa’’


  cheers huie

swaylocks jungle telegraph…(lol)…Huie , I want my skype back !!!


Well Huie wherever u are … the point is… I’ve been into this a lot longer than a mere ten years MON AMI . it’s not a pissing contest about the best cut  and polish   job. It’s about some high falluten Hoi Paloui  company taking the cudos for work done by others in the not too distant past. You are right though … It does all go round and round. Eh?  



That’s exactly what it is Quanta…welcome to the forum…


i think it was velzy

dude dont try an sell them cheaper thats bad business. i try charge more then my competitors

firewires hold there value second hand

just the way it is

does it reall matter kayu. handshapers are there own worse enemies most of the time. blaming ones competitors for failing business is recipie for further failure

Nah Paul , it doesn’t matter…I  just miss having arguements on Sways since the stoke police shut 'em down ! …where’s that ghetto rat ?..(lol)

ok then lets do it. i rekon  that firewire looks like my missuses fukn coffee table. and the wood they use must be awesome cuz its got my name in it. btw it was first done in NZ and the aussies stole the idea. and that boards not green its farken brown you colour blind c%nts

btw happy new year to all those factory workers in china. hope you enjoy your one day off!!!

…(lol)…long live thread derailment as a true gentleman’s online sport !!..maybe we could have a global “Cyber Smartarse Championships” ?