First board, alright design?

Hello Everyone!

My name is Matt, I’m an avid surfer, and I’m 17. I live on the Gulf Coast of Florida, so I’ve got a lot of time on my hands between sessions for the most part. I’ve been getting an itch to build my own board, and was wondering what you guys thought. I was looking to build a board like this one:

Now my friend, who has built a few boards himself, says this would be a very hard design because of glassing around the tail. I’ve fallen in love with this board and really want to try it, what do you guys think? Thanks in advance!


Build the fish, Matt!

Fish are great boards to start with. Traditional fish have flat bottoms, so you don’t have to worry about even concaves and vee panels, they are short, so it takes less time to glass, sand and polish, and they’re kind of weird looking to start off with, so if yours turns out funky, it won’t be that noticeable. Plus, once completed, you’ll have a wicked fish to ride.

The best news is that there’s lots of fish info here in the archives, including how to glass those deep swallows with good results.

Good luck, post pictures.

Just build it!

Similar to a Lis fish, maybe a little gunnier.

Use 2" patches of cloth to fill lam voids in the swallow.

Otherwise, a basic fish, whatever sizing you choose.

First board is always hard to glass OK, so add some challenge in the buttcrack, no biggie.

Thanks guys! Yeah I have a LOT of learning to do, to say the least. I’m starting out cold turkey, but am really amped about building something on my own!


matt hit that up. man i wish i had this place for my first board 7 boards. see ya in english

there is a video, cobalt designs, of a fish being glassed on the kane garden site, under events and news. that might help you out some, if you havn’t already seen it. Shows how to spread the resin out, cut the glass to wrap around nose and tails, and wrap it around rails. also some interesting colors…

That was a great video, I’m just wondering how he wrapped the cloth around the rail, without overlapping it? Or did he, and fiberglass will flatten out? I haven’t shaped a board before, you I’d expect the fiberglass cloth to overlap and create a less than flat surface, or does it come together and smooth out?


yeah, you want the cloth from the bottom and top to over lap. You would glass the bottom, wraping around the rail some, let that cure, and sand the overlap, which will have resign drips and cloth frays etc, sanding will also help when you galss the top, it will give top cloth better surface to stick to. There may be a little bump on the over lap, depending on how you sand etc. but this does not really matter.

ps- I’m from the gc too, st pete, now in gainesville though

Hey, that was a pretty cool video. I wish there was a better shot of him wrapping the glass around the tail though. Looked like it was all about the vertical cuts at the nose, two points of the tail, and I’m guessing the butt crack too… I’d love to have those movies in my own personal archive - anyone know how to download them from their site?

