So i have shaped my first board, which i will be posting pictures of soon. Now it has come down to the glassing. I am going to just do some practice runs on excess foam i have laying around just to get the hang of it. I will be using 6 oz. cloth and i have purchased 8 yds. just in case of some errors. But before this i need some help about types and quantities of resin. I am going to buy the gallon jug of UV lam resin off of fiberglass supply, but what next. There is no specifically named hotcoat resin on the site, so what exactly do i need to get for a hotcoat. I also want to do a glosscoat, do i need a different resin for this? I was figuring a gallon of lam resin would be fine, and i would have plenty left over. But what about quantities for hotcoat and gloss? thanks all
You should be able to purchase hotcoat resin and gloss resin. If not, you can add surfacing agent to lam resin to make hotcoat resin. You can also add surfacing agent and styrene to produce a gloss resin. There are formula’s for both in the archives. You will need about 12 to 16 oz. per side for the hotcoat and a bit less for the gloss coats. mike