First Board Suggestions

I’m about to undertake shaping my first board, and I’m thinking of making a sort of ‘retro fish’. Short, deep swallow, low rocker. I’m guessing that’ll be easy to shape first time around? I’m an experienced surfer (about 13 years) and weigh 170 pounds. Any thoughts? Oh yeah, I surf in San Diego, so it’ll be for typical socal surf conditions. My normal shortboard is 6’1" x 11.35" x 18.5" x 14.1 x 2.2", if that helps. I’m looking for ideas on what blank to use, etc. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide! Josh

Hey Josh, There’s lots of info in the archives about fishes, blanks, and fin placements. Because of their ‘basic’ design (which takes advantage of some complex hydrodymanics), they are a great first board to shape. Given your experience, area, and current board, I wouldn’t go any longer than 6’, and would keep it at about 21.5" wide. 2 3/4 or 3" thick, with down rails all the way around. Search the archives until you see something you like, then check out the 7’3" blank, or the 6’2C. The 7’3 is great if you want to go full on retro–you can get a super low rocker, and there’s lots of foam to work with, which is also a plus for your first shape. Good luck and post pics!

Thanks for the info. So on the larger blank you mention (7’3"), do you just push the planshape back on the blank to lower the rocker? Or would you recommend taking the board out of the center of the blank logitudinally? Down rails all the way around? To the nose as well? I guess I need to go out to a shop and find one and take a look at the rails. Seems easy enough… I’m expecting a humbling experience. I have quite a bit of fine woodworking experience, but I’m guessing that may not translate. [smile] Again, thanks for the info, and when I’m done, I’ll be sure to post pics. Anyone have any thoughts on glassers in San Diego? Josh

Moonlight Glassing is all you need to know. They have the best glassing and can also do any retro style color you want. Great prices. look on the surfermag BB in the design forum under “mondo surfboard…” Here is a link to an article.