First Board

What was your first board like? Mine was an 8’6" Bohemian back in '67, a pop out manufactured by Dale Velzy I’m told. My dad bought it from his friend for $25. DT

What was your first board like? Mine was an 8’6" Bohemian back in > '67, a pop out manufactured by Dale Velzy I’m told. My dad bought it from > his friend for $25.>>> DT Mine was a 9’0 Stewart Light Speed Performance (LSP) I purchased it in '00. Yes, I am a newbie. I will not say how much I paid for it (new) for fear that even my computer would laugh at me. (over $700)

My first was a 6’ Hawk surfboard purchased used at Jack’s in H.B. around 1979. It was a singlefin, double winger swallowtail. Should have kept it.>>> What was your first board like? Mine was an 8’6" Bohemian back in > '67, a pop out manufactured by Dale Velzy I’m told. My dad bought it from > his friend for $25.>>> DT

It was a 7’ 4" Con fun shape. Got it for $40 bucks in '77 or so. Sure wish I still had it! Scott.

1968 I believe. A Hobie cut-down, all I had was $45.00, and I got a real ugly stick. Someone had taken a 9’6" Hobie, cut the tail off to an 8’6" and just hacked out a fake V-bottom. I remember it though because the resin he had used to seal the “amputation” was boat resin that had gotten some multicolored glitter in it somehow. Kinda cool the way it sparkled in the sun! (farout comes to mind) Anyway it was Christmas time and I was stoked. tom>>> What was your first board like? Mine was an 8’6" Bohemian back in > '67, a pop out manufactured by Dale Velzy I’m told. My dad bought it from > his friend for $25.>>> DT

A 9’4" Ole Hot Dogger shape in 1962! And like everyone else, wish I still had it. (As long as we’re all wishing, I wish it was still 1962 and I knew what I know now!!) Aloha, OL

11’ Hollow mahogany tank my uncle (pilot for PanAm) picked up on one of his his travels in 1957. Talk about wishing I still had it!

A 5’+ Hansen single fin kneeboard. That was about '71 or '72. In '77 I was living in the dorms at San Francisco State and kept it out on the balcony. It blew off in a big storm and I never saw it again. The muscle memory you develop from popping up to your knees is very hard to break and going to stand up was a chore. Wish I still had one though (hmmm, I wonder what’s happening on ebay…)

Mark Richars 6’4" canary yellow, with the big fricken MR logo, single winger twin fin. Thing was loose and preety fast, fins cavitated and hummed, but like almost all twins, had a breaking opint during round house cut backs. However, if I knew then what I knew now…kinda like your first chick minus the I wish I still had her. Still do wish I had the MR, robably no shortage of them in garages around the world. Fricken boxes rattled, sea gull beaked, mushy decks, but could mid-face turns like no other board. How did MR cut backso smoothly on them???

7’6" hollow wave singlefin pin. prob @ 1981. handmedown from my older bro. remember the first time i tried to ride it at Venice jetty and getting heckled by the locals…i was prob 11 - 12 years old…board was such a dog…i was still sooo stoked…

A 1961 Greg Noll youth’s model 9’-2" sick green flow coat with the early film productions label I bought it for 2 small ding repairs in 1967.I still have pics of it including pics of the board with the original owner in 1962.

No one had a Ferrelli Stringerless for their first board, come on guys?

Hey Herb, It would be interesting to see those pics if you wouldn’t mind. Maybe post them on the board page.

A 1964 “Malibu” Surfboard. More of a plank than a surfboard…with all the water contained within the foam, pretty impossible to turn.>>> What was your first board like? Mine was an 8’6" Bohemian back in > '67, a pop out manufactured by Dale Velzy I’m told. My dad bought it from > his friend for $25.>>> DT

my first board was a hobie ‘tri-plane’ model, a 7’8". it was 1969…i was the first of my friends to own something other than a longboard. had big fun with that board. the first few weeks i had it, i was constantly being begged for rides by my buddies (but i had been using their longboards up until then). wow, i MUST be getting old, this seems so way far back in the rearview mirror. great days, though!