First, Came Cheap Chinese Surfboards, And Now This!!

[=Blue] Thought you guys might get a kick out of this.

For many it will be bad enough riding Chinese Surfboards and Snowboards… but soon they may also be riding them on Chinese Snow!!

oh oh!

what are the long effects gonna be?

silver iodide?

have mercy on us all.



Heh-heh-WAAAAAAAAA! US govt is rumored to have been up to this for years. High altitude aluminum particles and other unknown goodies for weather control. Search “chemtrails” for all the conspiracy theories etc. And remember, just cause you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you!

It’s not nice to fool with mother nature.

We Chinaese good at marketing. American greed make big moneys for us hard worker Chinese. Balnfeed, thanks for sending temprate over to my factory. We make you rich man!

Silver iodide has been used in the US for seeding clouds since I was a young-un (yes, there really were airplanes then :slight_smile: And the Chinese may be adopting the old Soviet trick of claiming to have invented everything - the very first successful cloud seeding, over Schenectady, NY, in 1946, resulted in snow:

Hopefully, the release of silver iodide is minimal, it isn’t horrible stuff, but neither is it nice:

Note the symptom of turning the victim blue. Hmmmm. Little green men who didn’t come from another planet :?>


Hey Bill,

You know what, if they can make it snow here in June, July and August, I dont care who developed it…BRING IT ON…HA!

sigh … white boy , white boy … every f#8K thing all taste like chicken …

Andi / chinese .

I’m not a white boy :wink:

Love that scene in Matrix where they are discussing the taste of chicken and since its all simulated, how do we know what chicken really tastes like.

Seems like a good time here to quote Ambrose from another thread. Hope this isn’t a copyright violation but it seems so appropriate to a weather mod thread. Thank you Ambrose!

please dont blow me up

with science

science guys.


ambrose m.curry III

Kinda sums it up, eh?