First glass project (fin) input appreciated

I am hoping to shape a board when the time is right, but don’t want to burn a wad of cash, just 'cause I haven’t practiced. This fin is the first thing I have ever made or glassed and would appreciate input from those more experienced than myself (read: anyone). I attempted to follow a guide I found here on producing wood fins (extremely helpful, thanks!!!). One problem I know I had I photographed for the third image. Here I spread the resin over the glass then transferred the whole piece onto the board. My guess would be that I lost some resin in the process.

For those who like the more technical aspects and to give credit where due:

The fin is made from a single piece of mahogany (1/4 inch) laminated together

The shape got from the George Greenough Stage 6 fin, I drew the template by measuring and scaling an image I found of the fin on the net.

The Glass on the board is two six and two four oz per side

The foil on the fin I got by using my Dewey Weber Hatchet fin as a model for the approximation.

Thanks to Bert Burger for the tutorial.

I came up with the logo and created it using GIMP (Go open source software!!! ) If you or anyone you know uses the name, please let me know.

Specific Questions I could use help on:

The dry spots I mentioned above, does my diagnosis seem correct?

When I put a hot coat over the fin, I got some waves in the surface (very slight) but I like perfection where possible.

good stuff , ?Craig ? / bcaine?

good for a first fin , for sure !

I like painting the resin on the fin , while the other side is masking taped off, then placing the glass on , then , if need be , painting some more resin on . Four layers of cloth each side ? did I read that right ? Did you laminate one at a time , or the whole lot in one hit ?

let us know how it rides eh ?

cheers !


I think the “Coelacanth” alludes to the pin air problem you are experiencing.

Mahogany is notorius for gassing and doing wierd things to resin. Seal the fin

with UV lam/milled fiber before glassing it. Apply it using a latex glove by

smearing the mixture over 100 percent of the fin and flashing it in the sun

for a few minutes.

Now when you glass the fin, you will get perfection. As Chippy surmises, glass

one side at a time.

Good luck,