First Longboard...


Starting on a longboard this morning, first one for me…

10’1 Clark blank.

Looking for a noserider I can still move with…

Thinking 10’0 x 17.75 nose, 22.5 wide point at 6" forward to 6" back of center, tapering to 18.5 hips at 2’ from tail, ending in a 16" square tail…

Any suggestions on rocker schedule (or the rest of the dim’s?)


Really have no idea what to do with the rocker…any ideas?

I’ve shaped that blank a couple of times and depending on what your trying to accomplish, be it noseriding, high performance, gliding, how much of the length you want to keep, and how thick you want, there are only slight adjustments you can make in the rocker that came with the blank. Still, it’s a fun blank to use, allowing plenty of room for “experimentation” (goofs). Have fun with it and good luck.

Ride on! Tom


a great blank. It doesn’t really skew towards a noserider, or am HP shape which is why it makes for scuh a good cruiser.

As far as your dimensions go, definitley keep the wide point of outline in the dead center lengthwise. I think your tail is a bit wide, especially considering your waist width of 22.5". I’d go more like 14’5" for some better manueveralbility.

As far as rocker goes, I’d just stay with the nuetral template of that blank. Yater’s a master so trust him.
