Its been somewhere around 30 years since I put a plane to poly-u in any serious manner, and even back then I only shaped a couple of handfuls (handsfull?). I have a friend who is a top shaper so I felt no need. I did one for my daughter and one for my nephew about 6 years ago but I had the blanks profiled so really just had to tune the rails. Swaylocks has inspired me to pick up a plane again. Here are the results, posted in three parts. Pretty happy with the results 8 ft x 22 1/2" x 3". 15 1/2" tail and 17" nose. Spiral Vee in the tail. Can’t wait to get it wet.
second post
thanks for those pics , D’bah-man ! [should go good at you know where islands…see ‘quiver’ video…]
That board interests me, particularly those dimensions, for obvious reasons.
Looks like you can do a good gloss coat, and cutlap job , too…
...N-I-C-E !! [so....what's your NEXT board going to be ???!!!]
ps - it’s especially timely your post of this , as it gives me an idea of what the dimensions of mine will look like, when both sides are done…thanks !
I made this one to surf TOS. The wave there jacks up and snaps over a bit quick for my 9’4". Needed something that will get onto the face before getting pitched with the lip. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Attached is the final pic.
Fabric inlay too ?!
Well , you certainly haven’t lost any of your skills from when you last shaped and glassed / glossed , obviously !
… Happy barrels to you!
[I take it you’ve seen ‘quiver’, where Stephen Slater and ‘Buttons’ get slotted there ?!]
see if maybe Marty Tullemans or moonwalker or swilly can get some water shots of you there , for us all to see how it went !
There’s a bit of TOS in Luminary, too. its only small but you can see the sand pumping outlet pipe and seaway wall in the background.