First time installing fins

Hey guys,  I’m shaping my first board and all has been going well.  I’m ready to glass with PE but I need to know something… do I need to install the fin boxes before or after glassing?  Thanks.

Hi, wach this video, it will help a lot!


Hi, wach this video, it will help a lot!


hotcoating will fill the weave and unless you have a dry lam, you wont see it anymore

 Hey Jesus, good reference with the probox! I checked it out and I really like the adjustabilty you get with them.  Now my next question... are there any signs after laminating to know It turned out ok? Like I can still see the cloth. (used a blue tint) When does the fiberglass look go away? After hotcoat and sanding?

futures go under the glass.

there are videos at that show how to do them.

Try probox…

thanks guys, gonna go with futures.

thanks guys, gonna go with futures.

[quote="$1"] '' ... do I need to install the fin boxes before or after glassing?''   [/quote]


what kind of fin box are you using?

that would decide if you install them before or after or your choice.

Which fin boxes are you using? Some go in before and some after.