Greetings kids, Just wanted to say thanks for such an informative forum. I have been trolling around here for the last week or so and started on my first board today. I am shaping a wake surf board do to moving from the Tx Gulf coast to land locked Arizona its not as easy to get some surf now. We have a wake board boat so I get my fill from wake surfing behind our boat lol. Anyways I cruised down to Foam EZ yesterday and picked up 2 Marko fish blanks and started mowing foam. Man I had a smile the entire time totally stoked. Covered with foam (i’ll hook the vac up next time) taking my time and watching my creation take form. Anyways here is some info on the board. 5’0’’ rounded square, quad fin using Futures Vector2’s, 2’’ thick 21.5 wide Tail is about 1.5’’ thick and Rocker is about 1’’ thick. I made my Template cut out the shape power planed it down and sure-formed it a bit. Rough in the top rails. need to block the deck and bottom. Here are some pics, Let me know what you guys think.
I can tell from your attitude we have another addict. No 12 step program will help. Welcome to the club…
Thanks guys and yes I’m addicted already. I wish I would have done this with a surfboard back yrs ago. It didn’t help that yesterday I took a road trip down to Westminster Ca to get the blanks. We decided to cruise on down the 405 and check out the surf. Needless to say I should have brought my 6’6’’ and got wet. We pulled off the 405 somewhere near camp Pendelton at a Beach park that I cant remember the name. Started with an M and it was 15 bucks to get to the beach parking?Anyways these 4 guys dropped in on a wave that was atleast a foot over head. I told my wife “see, I should have brought my board” oh well It’s only 5 hrs to San Diego from my place in Az maybe some trips are in my future.
Well I finished up the spackle and final sanding, set the fin boxes. This shit is so much fun! Here are pics from todays work. This week is paint and lam woohoo! I want to ride.
Hi Wake,
Thanks for coming up to the shop. I hope your shopping experience made the drive worth while. Keep us posted on your progress.
Hey Brad, You guys have a class A setup going on for sure. You definitely have my future business. Hopefully I’ll be seeing you guys this Thursday for some resin and cloth.
Hey I thought I would explain what wake surfing is just in case some of you are thinking WTF is wake surfing.
You take an inboard wake boat and load that mother down with weight on one side with most the weight in the rear corner. In doing this you cause the boat to displace more water. The water coming around the corner of the boat meets back in the middle behind the boat and causes a wave that can be ridden without a rope. If set up right you can get a nice clean face to smash, do spins, or just cruise up and down on. Heres a few pics me to give you an idea.
Started the paint work.
Howzit Wakesurfer, We were doing it on longboards back in the mid 60's just to do something beside watersking. Where in Az are you,I just moved to L.H.C.,Az Aloha,Kokua
Wow! L.H.C? Man what a change for you. Are you home sick and miserable yet? Kokua I’m down in the Phoenix area. You ever down this way?
Howzit Wakesurfer, No I have spent time here and to tell you the truth after 40 years in Hi I waa kind of due for a change in scenery. I knllw it seems strange to say that since so many surfers think living in Hi is a dream but it was time to makesome kind of life change and since I ownhalf of the house and businesses here I figured I might as well give it a try. One nice thing about Havasu is it is a small town nd not the big city which would drive me nuts for sure. If I can get my brother to get along it will be OK but he drinks in th e evening and turns into a different person who is a total ass and that is the hard part but I am figuring out a way to deal with it and he doesn't drink at home so I get a chance to be aay from him. The best part is when I know he is about to come home I acn go to my room and go to Swaylocks and be with friends. Only the future can tell what will ahppenand he id 71 years old so his days are numbered(hate to say it )na when he passes away the house is mine and his sons who love their uncle. I also have other irons in the fire and may just use them and that will be a reality check for him. Aloha,Kokua
Hey Kokua, I’m glad you like Havisu it’s nice. Do you live close to the lake? It’s nice to know I’m not the only landlocked surfer around Az. You need to get you an SUP and cruise around the lake. Maybe in the future we could meet up and hit Ca on a weekend.
Howzit wakesurfer, Actually I lived here in 68 and my family bought property in 63 when they started the city. We used to go to Havasu springs before that and wuld cruise to Site six just for fun. Back then there were so many trees in the lake we had to have somebody on the bow of the boat checking for trees so we didn't hit any. One thing Mccollagh (spelling) did was make a chain saw that went 12 feet under water and cut all those trees to open the lake. My mom was the first court clerk and worked for 6 months without any pay and ended up the first judicial secretary here. I actually surfed Big Surf the first year it was open and have a funny story about it. Paid my money, waxed my board and started paddleing out and they started yelling at me because you were supposed to walk up and get in line and then get in the water and catch the so called wave. I yelled back at them and said I was sorry but I am the real thing and we paddle out. In those days the guy who could run the fastest and get back in line got the most waves and they let 12 people on each wave. I laugh when I think about the toilet bowl flush setup they had to make the waves. Would be great to get together and hit the coast. I need to go see Bob Brown the owner of Russel Surfboards since he is a good friend of mine and I plan on going to Ca as much as possible just to keep my sanity and not kill my brother. Aloha,Kokua
Hahaha. You know he prolly thinks your the pain in the ass. Lol. You gonna try and make it to the get together in Sept? I told my wife we should go. I know the spots are all gone I believe. I through a bone out about sharing someones spot with them, will see if I get any bites. lol. If not maybe a hotel? who knows.
Howzit wakesurfer, No the problem is he gets drunk every night and turns into a monster and will start in on me for no reason at all. We talked about all this before I made the move and he aid he would stop smoking in the house and a lot of other promises but has totally changed his story now that I am here. I am going to tell him that i will just move back to hawaii and let him deal with his problems. I have been here for almost a week now and not one person has stopped by to see him but I have had at least 6 people come by and say hello and welcome me back. Story is he has chased all his friends away because he talks crap behind their backs and when he is drunk he just lays into them so now they won't stop by. Big change in him since I was here 2 years ago and I think it has to be a mental thing plus he is almost deaf and won't get a hearing aide. You have to stand right in front of him and almost yell for him to hear you and he knows he has the problem but is to vain to have it fixed, He is my brother and I love him but I may kill him and put him out of his misery. Best thing I do is when I know he is coming home from drinking is I go on Swaylocks and just stay out of his way. Aloha,Kokua
Wow, sorry you get to deal with that. Is he older or younger than you? Buy yourself some ear plugs and stay out of his way. Bout all you can do.
Older brother nad turns 71 next month.and if he doesn't quit smoking that will do him in. I may have gotten cancer but beat it but he has high blood pressure, cholesterol, bad heart and I don't know what else so he may be a walking time bomb.That's why I came here to help him. Aloha,Kokua
You know he’s prolly bitter because you beat it and he’s so messed up. Jealous maybe?
You may have hit the nail on the head but I just think he feels he is so perfect and every body else is stupid , I think we are getting off the original topic and shoule go to regula email or PM's.Aloha,Kokua