hola swaysters,
i am lookin to get some feedback on this pretty generic 6’2 shortboard shape (pdf attached) i added some width to the nose and tail and a step deck to keep the top flatter. i am most concerned with the rails, specifically the hardness of the chine in the center, i surf less than perfect waves and wonder if a softer rail would be better. let me know what you think
Sir-it’s all personal pref how ya want your bottom rail edges…
Generally, most boards we see tend to have most of roll in nose-they tend to gradually fatten up a bit in the mid-board areas…
So wheather ya want um hard in middle, or soft you can do it like this.
And from mid-board-to-tail, well I had more roll in middle, and it gradually hardens-but fades out to hard @ front of fin/fins.
Then it goes-hard-to- HARDEST out te back! Hope this gives you an idea.
So wheather ya want ur rails more-soft or hard in mid-board- that’s totally personal pref. Build what you or what ur rider wants!
An idea -im debating on a board for myself is to: soften up nose rail to about 24" down tip of nose - toward mid-board…a smooth roll-that fades to harder bout 24" down towards tail…ya see a gradual progression here.then from there it’ll fatten up a bit to a semi-hard edge, and from bout 24" from up tail, It will go in reverse; softer to harder.
At bout the front of ur fin/fins, it’ll fade out to ur end of a slight roll-stopping in front of fins…
From fins out te back it kinda goes hard to hardest out te tail. Kinda long winded, but I want ya to see the progression. Suggestion: look over a good board to see what I’m refering to.
I appreciate it man, Here is a second draft with softer rails in the middle, i dont have a board in front of me right this second to check (im at school 2 hours away from the beach) so i think this is closer to a more gradual progressive rail fore to aft
Here is some real feedback for you…please do not be offended! This is meant purely to help you attain a successful build. I myself only started down this road 5 short years ago. So just trying to help.
SLOW DOWN…the shapes that you have depicted are very complex for a first time shaper. The best thing for you to do is keep it SIMPLE! Shape a simple straightforward design so that you can learn the basics and move forward a few more complexities at a time. Shape a simple egg, fish, or thruster, flat bottom.
Do you plan on glassing it also…again…by keeping it clean and simple you are more likely to have success. Success builds confidence…then on to more complex things. This is gonna be more difficult than you think it will be. Just go through the archives and look at most first time builds and how badly many of them really are.
Just sayin…I and others here will certainly help you through this…but seriously…simple…clean…that’s the way to go.