i just purchased a new twin-keeled retro fish and would like to buy some videos featuring riders on these types of boards.thanks for your help,gc
I was watching Super Session last night and thinking the same thing… Recent films with good footage: Litmus: Derek Hynd at J Bay DVD / VHS Searching For Tommy Curren: Tom Curren on the same Frye board? VHS Glass Love by Andrew Kidman upcoming should have fish, as well as THe Sprout or whatever Thomas Campbell’s new film is going to be called. As for 70’s footage, Super Session has some, I bet other Jepsen films have some. Any other 70’s picks?
here is some cool footage from the Kane Garden site. http://stream.12milesout.net/psg/gone_fishing2.wmv
Theres some footage of Joel Tudor riding a fish in “Natural Expressions” video. Who shaped your new retro fish?
Joel’s FISH in his video was shaped by Stu Kenson. More photo’s in current SURFER mag of Stu’s handy work in Costa’a article. Stu has new fins that are awesome for fish’s. http://www.stukensonsurfboards.com
Joel’s FISH in his video was shaped by Stu Kenson. More photo’s in current SURFER mag of Stu’s handy work in Costa’a article. Stu has new fins that are awesome for fish’s. http://www.stukensonsurfboards.com
my new fish is a 6-2 kane garden.not sure who shaped it but it has a green pigment colored lamination,is 21.3 wide,16.2 nose,and a 16.5 tail. i can`t wait to ride it.
Cool…I have a Lis fish on the way, been waiting a while for it, a 6’4" twin keel.
besides the above mentioned vids – also quiver litmus is prob my fav natural expressions a close second curren is also riding one in searching for tom curren (dubstar did you mention that one?) in any event, enjoy the fish foamdust – when did you order the lis? how did you? took me 6 mos to get my frye, and that was 5 years ago…i don’t think skip is taking orders any more – although i think his planer is still a planing in san diego my bark paddle/surfboard will be en route to my house this week – can’t wait – get me back into some semblance of paddling shape after this cold winter
my lis fishes took 2 yrs but, toby has been getting some from lis recently.Worth the wait.They will handle real waves no problem.these days steve lis must be getting bombarded with fish request a.A 6month wait from him 20 yrs ago ,was the norm.
I guess a three month wait from Steve isnt too bad. I hooked up with him thru an aquaintence on another BB. A totally cool guy, his wife is really nice too. I should be getting it next week.
Liquid Space (c.1975) by Dale Davis was supposed to have some early footage. Very obscure video and hard to come by, if you find a copy let me know. Tom S.
what are the dimensions on your bark paddle/surfboard Tim.
Derik Hynd schooled me in litmus on twin fin riding, where to be on the wave, and that fronside behind the heel rail grab, to dumping insane I don’t know how heavy and shallow barrel, good stuff.
acting like a classic fish is a new thing say’s alot about where surfing has been for some time now---------frozen in time with a fish.it’s like saying, the" beatles are a hot new band!"
been there in 1973[6-o david nuuihiwa surfcraft fish] going back there now [6-2 kane garden fish] its all about having fun!