Just a few more pics of the details. Here is the nose and tail after the glue has dried showing the little extra room at the ends.
And now the final blank with the stringers and ready to cut the outline as usual. Take care to draw and cut such that the stringers hit the ends just where they belong. It will look sloppy if the string doesn’t exit the blank in the right spot. I drew the whole thing (fish and board outline) out before the first cut.
I forgot to mention that this was also a tip of the hat to Mr Lis. These board will all be Lis fishes with some great looking fins from Halcyon (thank you, man, can’t wait to glass them on).
Also forgot to mention the glue. I used epoxy paste (micro-balloons) on one, yellow glue on the second and white glue on the third. My vote is white glue for ease of assembly and clean up. Epoxy may be better. Don’t use yellow glue (wood glue). Leaves yellow stain, dries too quick. Fill in any gaps between the stringer and the foam with a little spackle.
Last tip. You’d think after 3 of these little glue balls, I’d get better with each one. My last one had a 1/4 inch gap at the “X”. I filled it with a spare piece of stringer and you can’t tell the difference. Close call. Take your time. Have fun. No body gets hurt.