fitting locbox keel fins?

Hi All

i got a pair of locbox keel fins and plugs from a friend of a friend (who i think brought them back from the states - im in the uk)

Can someone explain how to fit them. i have read that its best to have 12 oz cloth around the plug area, how is it best to get this, i would normall use 2 sixs on the deck and 1 six on the bottom.

i dont have a jig or anything for the plugs, and help please on setting the angle / cant / position ect?

many thanks - as ever

keen to learn

The keel fins add a bit of leverage to the box so you’ll want a strong glass job. Cut a large oval shape at least an inch (2-3cm) larger than the Lokbox out of 6oz glass and glass that over the box. The Lokbox keel fins already have 7 or 8 degrees of cant built in. You can toe (angle) in the box about 0.25 inch (measured front of fin mark verses back of fin mark).

Not sure how to approach the foam without the jig. Maybe start by pressing it into some scrap foam and try to think about making two wooden jigs (one for the depth below the box lip/oval; and one for the oval/lip which is about a mere 1/16" deep). Router, Dremel tool or something to remove the foam. The lip is probably most important to get flush with the board bottom. Also, probably don’t want the hole too deep below the box.

I’m sure Jimmy (Mr. Lokbox) can jump in here with the expert advice.

Hi keentolearn, I would probably find some type of material around 1/4 in. thick, turn the lokbox upside down, and trace it’s outline onto the material, and cut it out with a saber saw or something. Next, position your homemade template on the board where you want the box to be, and maybe have a friend hold it in place while you cut.(remember that the box MUST be adjusted forward by 1 inch to accomodate for the large base of the keels) use a dremmel, or other similar type tool to cut out the outline into the board. If you use a bit that has like a 3/16th length cutting surface at the tip, and smooth shank above that, you may be able to use the smooth part of the bit to ride around your homemade template.(first cut is 3/16ths deep) Once you’ve got the first cut done, position the lokbox over the hole you’ve made, perfectly centered, and press it into the foam a bit to make an impression. Now you can freehand the second cut with your dremmel. The second cut will be 1/2 inch deep from the surface of your first cut. Remember that the screw side goes towards the stringer on the front boxes, and to the left for center fin for tri’s. Good luck!

Hey, you have any templates/schematics on all your different keel designs? Where’s Jim?

Hi wayne, got your message, i’ll send you that fax right now. Hope it doesn’t get too distorted…

Thanks Jim! Got the fax. Wasn’t sure if it was you on this thread. Is this the only version? Looks quite deep, curious do you have any other template around 8"-8.5" wide and 4.25"-4.5" deep? Can I order through you, or the usual channel. Also need a couple small Bonzer trailers. Let me know.

Yeah you can order through me if you like or rainbow at 831-728-2998

Super busy right now but later I can fax you a template that’s closer to what you want.

While you’re here Jimmy, what Rainbow/Lokbox fins are available/best for Twinzers.

We have three different templates. Steve ford template, Eberly, and cane garden(larry mabile). Thanks

Thanks Jim, looking forward to seeing the other templates. Nice to know what’s available. I think I may just try your CI template, starting to grow on me the more I look at it. :wink:

It’s a cool fin. The feedback has been really positive from every level surfer! We’ll make it double foiled with no cant as well if you like.

everyone - thanks for all the help.

So as i understand it:

  1. glass board as per normal - 1 6oz on bottom 2 6oz on top

  2. fit lokboxs - using normal mix of resin and filler? or can you drop some cloth and resin somewhere to add extra hold?

  3. add another 6oz patch over fitted box?

Thanks again

as ever - keen to learn