Fixin ding on tinted board?

Hi just curious what all You experts would do with a cracked nose rail on a tinted board. In this case tinted black.

I started out spackling the crack (fiberglass is cracked through) with a mix of polyester resin and the best black stuff I had lying around. Graphite powder

Sanded back it looked pretty nice. And now for my question! Would you bother tinting the glass I need to put on the crack? Will it show if I use clear resin.?

Prepping the ding was done by sanding into the black tinted resin/weave layers.

Photo shows the ding sanded back with polyester resin filler. Tinted with graphite powder.


Me i take exception to the “expert” stuff,

Looks as though

you know enough.

Sand down the repair.

Lick your finger, or wet the area.

If it blends well.


Besides tinting a filler coat is an art of the Gods.