I tried to wait long enough asking this question so as not to undercut board builders with initiative and smarts. How are those stars-and-stripes board orders going. Any increases of late? Have any of you speculated in stars-and-stripes shelf boards. Are they moving?
Wot up Noddle? Taylor Knox quickly switched to flag airbrushes. We did a nice longboard with full flag spray for a local fireman. Shops don’t order a whole lot of boards this time of year, but I believe they do want some flag sprays. God Bless America and Kowabunga.
I saw an ad for limited edition FCS “flag” fins. I believe some of the $$ is going to the victims of 9/11
Not that my experience represents any mainstream market trend…but I’m making a 10-footer for a friend, and he wants to paint the stars-and-stripes on the nose. Prior to 9/11, a different color scheme was being planned. I’ve also seen more red-white-and-blue boards out there lately than I’ve ever seen. Every session, no matter where, I see one. The event has definitely had an impact, even on those of us who use surfing as a means of escape from geopolitical turmoil and the everyday stress associated with it. It just shows a confirmation that the events have, in fact, bored their way permanently into the collective psyche, never to be forgotten.
I was thinking of going to El Salvador. What do ya think?
with a U.S. flag board???>>> I was thinking of going to El Salvador. What do ya think?
i was thinking of going on a surf trip to afghanistan with a flag board?
Nice one, STEVE!!! I hadn’t mentioned it before, but I’ve gotten SEVERAL requests for my (either my own or other shaper’s boards{which I don’t have a problem with})… flag motif artwork. This was on my mind from day one. (I saw the towers go down from a distance. Still pretty melancholy in the city; in fact, the buildings are STILL smouldering {the doubious destinction of being the longest “fire” in N.Y.'s history…shame}). Bear in mind one thing, though, boys…protocol. If it’s the actual image of the american flag it should not be stood on. Belly is o.k…deck and over the fins…verboten. a respect thing. An abstraction is O.K. This was the traditional way…but embracing our flag is a beautiful thing. Don’t forget to take your flags in at night unless you illuminate them. They are not supposed to touch the ground. Don’t fly a flag upside down - indicating distress. This is what they taught us as kids. It’s funny how much greater my appreciation of our flag is , these days. Peace. Aloha. Tom.
Nice one, STEVE!!! I hadn’t mentioned it before, but I’ve gotten SEVERAL > requests for my (either my own or other shaper’s boards{which I don’t have > a problem with})… flag motif artwork. This was on my mind from day one. > (I saw the towers go down from a distance. Still pretty melancholy in the > city; in fact, the buildings are STILL smouldering {the doubious > destinction of being the longest “fire” in N.Y.'s > history…shame}). Bear in mind one thing, though, boys…protocol. If > it’s the actual image of the american flag it should not be stood on. > Belly is o.k…deck and over the fins…verboten. a respect thing. An > abstraction is O.K. This was the traditional way…but embracing our flag > is a beautiful thing. Don’t forget to take your flags in at night unless > you illuminate them. They are not supposed to touch the ground. Don’t fly > a flag upside down - indicating distress. This is what they taught us as > kids. It’s funny how much greater my appreciation of our flag is , these > days. Peace. Aloha. Tom. Good points. Avoid flag statements you don’t intend to make. I like a composite stars-n-stripes concoction. Hard to misinterpret that, and you can display it anywhere. Prayers for us. We must not lose. 2nd place is a b!tch.
i had this idea long before the 9/11 incident, but i’m wondering if any of you have tried this one yet. i know you can put cloth inlays on a board. has anyone ever glassed in an actual cloth flag? i thought about doing it once, but the idea of standing on the flag disturbed be (yes, i am very patriotic, and take my flag down at night too!). so i ended up making a flag design in resin pigments. anyway, just wondering if anyone has attempted using a real flag -steve
i had this idea long before the 9/11 incident, but i’m wondering if any of > you have tried this one yet. i know you can put cloth inlays on a board. > has anyone ever glassed in an actual cloth flag? i thought about doing it > once, but the idea of standing on the flag disturbed be (yes, i am very > patriotic, and take my flag down at night too!). so i ended up making a > flag design in resin pigments. anyway, just wondering if anyone has > attempted using a real flag -steve Just go to a fabric store and they’ll have tons of different flag type fabrics and stars and stripes oriented material that you can use for inlays without having to despoil the flag or the cloth of a real flag. They always had it before but after the 11th there may have been a run on it but I’m not sure because I haven’t been to the fabric store in many months. How do you think Apollo Creed got the material for his famous Trunks?! LOL
I haven’t done a flag yet, but I have added a “Made in the USA” in back of the fin and have recieved a lot of positive feed back.