I was woundering if anyone out there has done much with flex tails. I saw an outer islands one and i was rather impressed. But im not sure how to go about glassing the boogie board foam onto the tail of the board. Or is there some other way or type of material that achieves the same thing? The people ive talked to who surf them recon theyre the best.
I was woundering if anyone out there has done much with flex tails. I saw > an outer islands one and i was rather impressed. But im not sure how to go > about glassing the boogie board foam onto the tail of the board. Or is > there some other way or type of material that achieves the same thing? The > people ive talked to who surf them recon theyre the best. Angus, Could you be referring to Surflight Hawaii boards? (www.surflight.com/) By the way, welcome! It`s great to see your comments/questions in Swaylocks! Dale
Angus,>>> Could you be referring to Surflight Hawaii boards? (www.surflight.com/)>>> By the way, welcome! It`s great to see your comments/questions in > Swaylocks!>>> Dale Angus Check out Greg Liddle’s boards – the tails on those flex and they are unreal! Tim
I was woundering if anyone out there has done much with flex tails. I saw > an outer islands one and i was rather impressed. But im not sure how to go > about glassing the boogie board foam onto the tail of the board. Or is > there some other way or type of material that achieves the same thing? The > people ive talked to who surf them recon theyre the best. I met some guys from Australia that were in Bali in 1979 , who were riding boards shaped by Mitchell Ray. Even saw some guns that had the tail foam removed for tail flex off the turns. They were ahead of there time. I can’t remember much more about them since it was so long ago. I did talk to shaper Max McDonald who knew of Ray and all of his exploits. Does anyone know what became of Mitchell Ray?
i know rusty is marketing shortboards called flextails that are stringerless in the last 12-14". can’t imagine they last too long, a buddy saw one on the racks in a shop, brand new, already discounted due to stress cracks. i guess if you got free boards maybe.
Those surflight boards look insane. It didnt mention how much they cost. How does the saturn finish stay on the boogie board foam? The important thing is i guess that it flexes differently depending on which way the material is compressed. It has to work like a shock absorber in that it retracts easily and expells more slowly but with more force. (is that right?) The Rusty design would not do this as foam and glass without stringer leaves no memory. Greg Liddle had no information on his site about flex tails. Maybe it is possible to have some sort of spring device ,cable or the like installed in the bottom of the board that stretches and releases.?