Florida Shaper Love

Found this on Surfline when I was checking the waves this morning. Thought it would be a good read on here. Hope you enjoy!


The ''shaper's alley'' thing is a good idea. Brevard County was a logical choice, IMO (I might be a little biased, lol)

Plus that “vintage” picture of you is awesome! Congrats and Happy New Year. Rob

That picture has generated a lot of funny comments, I laughed pretty hard when I saw it too. It made me look like the youngest guy in the group :-) 

Best holiday wishes to you also!


it had slipped my mind that Kirk and Richie both had cut teeth at the factory also

A few years ago Kirk reminded me that I had gotten him ''in'' up on Magnolia Street. I had forgotten also :-)

Ritchie walked in one day, you gave him a few pointers, and he promptly mowed out a very impressive ~9'6'' sailboard on his first try. Either you were a really good teacher that day, or he was a very quick study. Maybe it was both!

I Have to admit to a time when I had  a prejudice towards Florida Shapers. Since moving here I now have a lot of respect for the Florida  surf Industry craftsmen. Florida might not have the best surf but there sure is a lot of stock here and a crew that has got their board Building act together.  

 The one area that Florida might be well ahead of the rest of the surf world is in The use of Epoxy resins Maybe it was being close to the scientist and engineers of NASA that opened their eyes early to the possibilities of light weight stronger longer lasting boards.

Mike, Vary cool "Magnum PI mustache. "

jim, richie lives down the street from me.  i always have questions for him when i’m messing up my builds or fixes, and he has mentioned you a few times as someone he learned a great deal from in a short time.  As it takes persistance and patient resolve to just get the guy to talk, I know the importance of what he does say. 

artz, you're not the only one that made a ''Magnum, PI'' comment. One of my friends asked if I was the stunt double, I told him I did all the Ferrari driving on the show, lol.