Foam Padding

My waveski has a blue foam padding that is imbedded into the deck. I need to replace it. Does anyone know of a supplier of the foam? It looks like it is open cell foam that was actually trimmed and the edges sanded. The sanding part is of interest to me because it would allow you to glue it in and sand the edges flush to the deck.

I would try calling a dealer and asking them, they all have repair shops so im sure that they could tell you whereabouts to look for the right foam

there’s several foams that are used - check some of the paddleboard makers. Hint- cut down the underside of the foam, not the top side, for that bevelled edge. The foam will deform and bend enough to make that turn out quite well. 3M spray adhesive works quite nicely. doc…

The foam I’ve seen used has a compound name: EVA foam. You could do a search maybe. For one project, I used “sticky mat” material that is made for doing yoga. I’ve seen EVA foam at the camping section at Target. It is a firm roll of foam about 1/2 inch thick (12 mm) and it is very much like the foam used for sandals and traction pads on shortboards. Careful as there is a very “airy” version that has a cell structure that is too coarse. I’ve also seen the foam sheets a bit thicker being sold as floor padding (2 foot squares about 3/4 inch thick) at auto parts stores like Kragen/AutoZone. A pack of four squares was about US$7 on sale. 3M 77 spray does a good job, and brush on Contact Cement does a really good job as well. Hope this helps. I like the “underneath sanding” technique; thanks. Good Luck.

EVA foam is what is used for most tail pads. The best adhesive for applying it is Sta-Bond contact cement. 3M 90 would be my second choice, stay away from 77 as it is less permanent than 90 and goes everywhere but where you want it and gets soft in a hot car.

i’m building a room for Kp with lots of foam padding(ha-ha-ha!!!)