Foam Tints - How to.

About to do myself a new board, as I went through my drawings etc, I came across a board which mentioned something about a foam tint. How is this done? Do you simply (nothing’s ever simple) tape off the area and squeegee tinted Lam resin over the required area? Is this a way of doing those cool acid splah techniques? I’m very interested in giving this a go. Thanks to all in advance. Gill.

About to do myself a new board, as I went through my drawings etc, I came > across a board which mentioned something about a foam tint. How is this > done? Do you simply (nothing’s ever simple) tape off the area and squeegee > tinted Lam resin over the required area? Is this a way of doing those cool > acid splah techniques? I’m very interested in giving this a go. Thanks to > all in advance. Gill. Tints and acid splashes are normally done by adding color to resin while glassing.You have to do a cut lap.Check the archives…lots of stuff in there.Hope everybody is having a nice holiday…R. Brucker