i want to do a red foam tint on a board im currently shaping and i have a couple of questions. should i use lam resin to do that? should i make the resin opaque or just a tint? is there any way to fade a foam tint, ie darker on rails to lighter in center of deck? any help would be great. thanks team -steve
im only tinting the deck, not the rails or the bottom. i want to use volan cloth, soooo… in this situation should i laminate the top first to prevent screwing up the tint. i’m afraid that if i do the bottom and then cut my laplines at the tint line the color will peel away when i remove the excess cloth. thanks again
i want to do a red foam tint on a board im currently shaping and i have a > couple of questions. should i use lam resin to do that? should i make the > resin opaque or just a tint? is there any way to fade a foam tint, ie > darker on rails to lighter in center of deck? any help would be great.>>> thanks team>>> -steve I’ve only done a few solid colour foam stains…and I did Yellow which is always easiest and dark blue which came out a bit streaked. Any inconsistancies in the foam will show. I would think that an opaque stain would lay down alot smoother and show less flaws. Probably not a bad Idea to lam the bottom first…cut lap of course. I’ve done the same with Volan with an airbrushed deck. If your foam stain dosen’t come out to your liking…you can always go over it with a red tint inlay so you’ve really got nothing to loose in trying! Definitley use lam resin. Remember…if it’s got wax in it…nothing will stick to it. [smile] Just my opinion based on my experience which is minor compared to some of these guys. GOOD LUCK!
i want to do a red foam tint on a board im currently shaping and i have a > couple of questions. should i use lam resin to do that? should i make the > resin opaque or just a tint? is there any way to fade a foam tint, ie > darker on rails to lighter in center of deck? any help would be great.>>> thanks team>>> -steve >>>> Steve, We have been doing a number of foam tints at the glass shop that I shape at.(Northwind Glassing, San Diego). Our laminator has been using UV cure resin (laminating).Tape off whatever design you want, panels, inlays, etc. As far as a fade is concerned you might consider mixing two separate containers of resin, one lighter in color, one darker. Use a brush to apply colors to blend and then use your squegee to remove excess resin. The cool thing about using UV cure resin is of course quick cure time, 5 minutes as opposed to say airbrush,and it also gives you a different look. Back in the day (mid to late 70’s), Greg Martz did loads of foam tints for Infinity Surfboards ,they were the best! Good luck, sk
Hmmmm… [frown] Does the UV go off completly? The only time I ever heard of anyone using pigment with UV resin turned out to be a disaster. The board was…I think dark green and laminated with opaque resin and UV. Well, after the fine lamination, the board went in to the UV box to cure…and cure…and cure? Oh…It didn’t cure. I never found out the end of that story but the dude was way bummed out and he sure caught alot of heckling. Maybe on a stain it’s okay. I’m ignorant on that and should probably just keep my pie hole shut.
WG- I’ve used transparent tints with UV (yellow and lt. green) and had good results on laminations. The opaques I tested wouldn’t fully cure with the high percentage of suspended pigment particles blocking the UV. Interesting that many cloth inlays work fine with UV catalyzed resins, maybe for the same reason that fair skin will burn under a tropical sun even under a T-shirt. Your mileage may vary, take a test drive before you plan a long trip. TS>>> Hmmmm… [frown] Does the UV go off completly? The only time I ever heard of > anyone using pigment with UV resin turned out to be a disaster. The board > was…I think dark green and laminated with opaque resin and UV. Well, > after the fine lamination, the board went in to the UV box to cure…and > cure…and cure? Oh…It didn’t cure. I never found out the end of that > story but the dude was way bummed out and he sure caught alot of heckling. > Maybe on a stain it’s okay. I’m ignorant on that and should probably just > keep my pie hole shut.