Foiling a Blank - Rail to Rail

About a month ago, Surfore posted a link to Harbour’s website and in the shaping segment, it shows the blank being foiled by crossstroking (rail to rail) with the planer. I’m curious if anyone here, has used this method for comments.


Herb B.

I used to use cross strokes on the deck in the nose area just to skin it, then clean it up by hand.

You will have to cross cut if you shape “S” decks…With a power planer; shallow, slow cuts and always hit the stringer at a slight angle. Hit it head on and eventually you will be very sad…You don’t have to be as careful with other tools although the stringer thing is pretty much a requirement.

Like LeeV said, only for scooping out the deck nose area. Other cuts can be lengthwise.

Big chunking of stringer if you go fast or hit it dead on, down to 3/8th chunks possible, sometimes more if you are lucky.

If you are thinning with a small handplane, then across the stringer is the easiest and fastest way.

I’ve also seen people take to it with grinders. A lot more can be done with a grinder if you are proficient enough.