Foiling/True-ing Blanks

That Bruce Jones video is gold.  So are the numerous tips from the guys here.

It makes sense that if your rack supports are level and your blank is equal thickness on both sides that you can go from there but it isn’t that easy as you often introduce your own asymmetries as you shape. 

Those siting sticks give a perfect reference.  I’ve seen horizontal lines drawn on the back wall of a shaping room to use as a reference.

There are also adjustable rocker sticks that help you keep track if you place it on the stringer to get your curve and then check at intervals on either side of the stringer - like 3" to each side, 6", 9", etc.  


Paint your walls.  Some shade of medium blue, grey or green.   Having a consistent light reflection will improve it.  Develop a procedure that works for you and use the same procedure every time.  Make improvements in the procedure as necessary.  But DO NOT try something new or different every time you shape a blank. Be consistent.  That’s what made guys like Apia and Jones so good.  Consistency.

I meant to mention also;   Keep your stringer low as you go.  A high stringer hides bumps when you look from one side to the other.