? for Herb

Herb, what exactly is this acrylic wash/teflon you mentioned. does this stuff cover scratches. Does it have to be machined in anyway after application. Do you put it on with a sprayer or brush. I’m putting boards in a couple of shops and I’m going for the showroom finish. Not going for a gloss but just a nice sheen. Thanks for your knowledge

Herb, what exactly is this acrylic wash/teflon you mentioned. does this > stuff cover scratches. Does it have to be machined in anyway after > application. Do you put it on with a sprayer or brush. I’m putting boards > in a couple of shops and I’m going for the showroom finish. Not going for > a gloss but just a nice sheen. Thanks for your knowledge …I guess Future or Mop N Glo is enough for what your looking for.Just go to your supermarket buy a bottle(or steal your wife’s,naw don’t do what I do ,do what I say?).Wipe it on with a piece of DAMP, tee-shirt or sweatshirt,4"x4".A THINCOAT!!!MORE IS NOT BETTER.Wipe it on like you are glossing from nose to tail,KEEPING IT EVEN AS POSSIBLE,DON’T GO BACK OVER SPOTS.A couple passes should do it.Make sure it’s clean,and oil free or it won’t take.Let dry,completely… …Then take a green scotchbrite pad and follow the direction of the wipe.Take all the little zits and lumps off.DUST THE SURFACE,AND your done.Herb

Thanks a zillion Herb, can’t wait to try it.

Thanks a zillion Herb, can’t wait to try it. ps…keep the acrylic floor stuff on the rag,not running all over the place,if it drips/runs off the rail it too much. …USE THE SCOTCHBRITE PAD BY HAND ,NOT MACHINE.Herb