For J. Phillips, web site on your Bio.

Jim Roger asked me to forward the web site that has your bio. about The Master Shaper Series. He said you’ve been having trouble finding the site. Below is the correct spelling, hope it works for ya. Roger says; “Do you have too much balsa dust on your brain” Good luck Aloha… Glen B. /for Roger…

Jim>>> Roger asked me to forward the web site that has your bio. about The Master > Shaper Series. He said you’ve been having trouble finding the site. Below > is the correct spelling, hope it works for ya. Roger says; “Do you > have too much balsa dust on your brain” > Good luck Aloha… Glen B. /for Roger… AOL’s server and all of the other search engines that I’ve tried bring up nothing. Fins unlimited brought it up for me, but from my home modem, nada!

Jim>>> Roger asked me to forward the web site that has your bio. about The Master > Shaper Series. He said you’ve been having trouble finding the site. Below > is the correct spelling, hope it works for ya. Roger says; “Do you > have too much balsa dust on your brain” > Good luck Aloha… Glen B. /for Roger… Hyperlink it to me and solve the problem once and for all. Jim

AOL’s server and all of the other search engines that I’ve tried bring up > nothing. Fins unlimited brought it up for me, but from my home modem, > nada! It’s been fun for the last half hour trying to find some kind of information off of the damascus address for “master shapers” and or Jim Phillips!! Is Mike Stavros still at Fins Unlimited?? or Larry Allison??(talk to me Larry) . I need some quotes. Some of the older rabbits decided to have a party in the hat at the end of last year. Now I got to put some new fins on the new little ones. And loyalty has me knocking on your door with at least three new fin templates. Fins unlimited help me with demascus too!!! Whatever

Jim: It may be your AOL browser that is causing the problem, here is a link to try. Just the root address for the Bio material is below. The site has an abundance of frames in various sizes might be part of the problem your browser is having. Hopefully they will spend some time going over the Damascus site to make it a bit more user/browser friendly, screen resolution is a problem for me too. Tom Sterne>>> Hyperlink it to me and solve the problem once and for all. Jim

Jim: The site was updated over the weekend ( The link I gave you in the previous post is not longer valid. They did a good organizing things on the site on this facelift, you shouldn’t have any problem finding what you need. TS.>>> Hyperlink it to me and solve the problem once and for all. Jim