Hey Tom, I was searching around the web and came across this fin system. Looks like someone is stealing your idea, unless they are under agreement with RED X. This looks just like your system. Check it out, Oh is there a way i can get a fin catolog, with prices for fins, over flow rings, boxes, etc. I think i got the bugs all worked out, and want to be ready to order direct from Block surf in Cali. Thanks, again for all your help. I totally love the system, and all my buddy are pissed that no one in daytona carrys them. They all love the system i put together over the summer in a funboard. We place all orders with the surf station, but i’m sure after time someone in daytona will carry them. Thanks, check out the site. Thanks a lot, Stephen Berube http://perso.wanadoo.fr/surfoam/en/powerdrive.html
Thanks Steve, It looks like Red-X to me(a ripoff,that is),I’ll let him know.Herb
Thanks Steve,>>> It looks like Red-X to me(a ripoff,that is),I’ll let him know. …Okay I talked to Tom@daum and he reminded me of a earlier conversation we had about the “genesis” of Red-X fins,They started out working with PowerDrive Fins in the beginning ,but due to differing opinions decided to go there own separate ways,I’m sure Tom will post in here soon to clairify things better.Herb
Thanks Steve,>>> It looks like Red-X to me(a ripoff,that is),I’ll let him know.Herb No, problem. Tom’s been super nice and has a great system. I hate to see someone ripping him or RED X off. Later, Stephen Berube
No, problem. Tom’s been super nice and has a great system. I hate to see > someone ripping him or RED X off. Later, Stephen Berube It’s was an interesting evolution. But, basically the thru the deck concept was originated by Bahne in the late seventies. The Germans started a system that Larry Block was interested in distributing. But, they had several issues that needed attention. We developed the installation method and tools and approached the Germans about working together. They wanted the installation system. but, they did not want to lose control of the fins and boxes. We told them they had the basis for a good system. But, they needed to rectify several issues with how they were made. Larry started distributing Power Drive and began having the same problems that Bahne had with their original system. The Germans kept promising modifications. But, after a year they never came. So, we made several changes that rectified the situation and patented those changes. At that point Red X was started and our relationship with the Germans was severed. So, while they look alike. There are some significant modifications that enhance our performance.