Hi ob,
Lets see if I can get my thoughts back around this, after a good night’s sleep and a cup of coffee;
First off, I’m making a distinction between waterflow and water staying put relative to shore as a wave goes by. Unfortunately, I’m pretty much useless with animated GIFs and the like, so I’ll have to settle for a few mediocre sketches.
Lets consider the wave itself moving along, unbroken. It’s a lot like, say, a pipe being rolled along under a sheet. When it starts to drag on the bottom, it picks up, but that rotary, rolling motion continues.
And…a good illustration here: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072826967/student_view0/chapter20/animations_and_movies.html# see Fig. 20.4, orbital motion in shallow water
Good thing too, as I couldn’t find my copy of Bascom’s Waves and Beaches and I’m going as much from memory as anything else.
Now, as the wave approaches the shore, yes, the trough does slow down. But so does the peak: the wavelength decreases. And the peak height goes up, but the circular wave form still is acting. And throwing out, etc. Gravity is a mighty strong force, relatively speaking, such that a simple surge wouldn’t go concave and throw out; wave speed, especially slowed down by drag on the bottom, isn’t enough to make that lip come over to the extent that it does…it’d just collapse down the face. Water viscocity isn’t nearly strong enough to hold it together like that.
Okay - that’s a regular ocean swell wave, travelling at less than say, 50 MPH. There’s another kind of wave that does act as you describe. Tsunamis, which are travelling at around 10 times the speed of your basic ocean swell, with a really, really long wavelength, when they hit they do trip up, as you describe, and surge. In some conditions the bottom drag holds back the lower part of the surge and you basicly get a big roller coming in - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4lpIaSraPE&feature=related is an illustration, if that link works…
Anyhow, hate to make this short, but I gotta go get a tooth put back in. Yesterday was One of Those Days-