found at Surfermag forum

by Brian Bulkley …

[Brian’s comments on the board …

" Having fun in the shaping room and was bored one day.EPS Epoxy 5’9" x 21.25 x 2.4. From the Whippersnapper came this Idea to tripple wing the tail to pull it in faster, being so wide. The nose like most everything else has been done, but not for myself. Fairly deep single concave with a lower rocker. Nose rocker is lower but not extreme. Fin size to be determined. Quad 4.38 composit Lokbox fins all around with slight inside foil backs,80 20 or more, and a set of double foils to try but smaller, maybe 4". Then the trailer idea with the quad. Then scaled 5 fin. Testing to be done in Costa Rica next couple weeks. If we get some waves here again, I’ll give a report. BB "