I found an old 70’s looking,(what I think is a),knee board in somones trash today in Laguna Hills CA. It’s obviously aged and yellowed, and has been repaired many times. I couldn’t believe that it was actually in rideable condition, when it emerged from the trash can. The brand name is “BC Surf Designs”. The board is not signed, but has board# 8032 on it. Board specs: 5’7" long, single winger swallow tail with glassed on 6" twin fins. Nose-13", tail-15", 2 7/8"thick, 20"wide, hardly any nose rocker, and hard bottom rails. If any of you know info about this mystery board, I’d appreciate it. Thanks.
BC = Brian Clark. Board was shaped in San Clemente. The shop is still there, Near Del Mar on PCH.
There was a company owned by Wayne Brown in the early 7o’s called BC. Wayne was a Newport\Huntington guy. aloha, tom