
Well number one is complete. It was definately trail by fire but I sure learned a lot from this one. I surfed sunday and monday with number one and I couldn’t stop smiling and laughing. I used to think that shaping was the hardest part but glassing by far is the toughest part. The board is a quick all though it locks into a track and doesn’t want to break free. It took me a lil bit to figure out how to break it free but it sure was fun as hell to ride.

I started with a 6’‘11 blank and finished with a 5’'8. The blank is from scott shine in florida and is a 2 lb EPS blank with a pvc stringer. The next set of boards I am definately going with a a wood stringer, the pvc is a pain in the backside to mow down and the EPS is so soft that if you use a block plane to take down the stringer you end up pulling up the foam next to the stringer. I asked scott about this and he said the wooden block plane is the best bet. Being that this was my first blank I noticed that the EPS is quite mushy for lack of better words. I mean if i press hard on the blank I could leave a dent, not sure if that is supposed to be like that its just that I have nothing to compare it against. I used 3.6 OZ S Cloth and Resin Research resin. Pretty sure I could write a couple pages about the experience but I will keep it short. I had a blast, lost a couple brain cells on the account that the caninsters that were on my mask must have been old. All in all I would like to thank everyone on swaylocks. This swaylocks coupled with the carper videos helped me create number one or what I like to call Frankenstein.

Congradulations!!! I remember my 1st, 4 years ago now on number 14-18, and how I was reluctant to take it out the first time. Now sure of how it would react. Just like you once I got it in the water it was smiles all the way!

But…just wait, I’m sure the thought has already creapt in… 'what if I do this, or that, I mean THE NEXT board could be like this! and then four years down the road with 12 boards in your quiver! Ha! Enjoy!


PS… so now how about a 1# EPS balsa comp??? Wait till you try one of those!

Down the rode I want to build a balsa log for my pop. I figure if he see’s how nice it is and how much work I put in to it, he’s got to ride it.

nice job i remeber my first board… o wait that was a 2 months or so ago but it was a “learning process” but nice board you made

I’m thinking about doing the same for my pop, so he’ll get in to surfing, but not the balsa part