Free online surf movie premiere...

Just watched it… nicely done. World’s first surf movie premiere - free and online. Full screen quality was much better than what I typically get via Windows Media Player on Surfline streaming vids. Glitch free video and music.

Hey right on! Just watched it myself. Killer video quality. Pretty sweet. Only problem I had was at the end during the credits when the player had some sort of internal error. Nonetheless I was still impressed.

shoot, won’t work, message “no available render modes are available (VR 2369)” displays. wassgoingon besides nothing?

That was an excellent video. Thanks for the info.

I saw it,that was pretty cool…

thanks for the link-good vidio good sound–now where can we get some action

Hey John, I appreciate the heads up, I enjoyed it. Gil

thanks for the link…i thought it was really well done…good stoke