Hello people of the sea…I´m new here…nice too meet you.
I live in a nice island in brazil…and like to shape ugly boards in my backyard…
Never tryed using computer design prograns and this is my first creation ! I´m just wondering if you guys could have a look and tell me if I should change something on this board before I send it to the machine…
I took the measures from swaylocks…very helpfull, tank you !
( If anyone feel robbed, I can lend you the board to catch few waves in my beach )
Wide point 2’’ forward
1’ tail with a litle bit of V and double concave together(does it work)?
midle of the board with 1/32 single concave
The swallow cut will be done later , coz I dont know how to do it using the program…
Welcome to Swaylock's! IMO your outline and rocker look good, although unless you're a big guy (or going for for full retro) I'd pull the tip-to-tip in to 10.5''-11'', putting just a little curve in back half of template. I'd also suggest rolling the deck more to get the rail volume down some. If you want to maintain the overall volume at 30+ liters but lose some through deck roll,, go up a little on center thickness. I like to make the tails on my fishes very thin, so IMO you should take some meat out of that tail (foil and rail). The bottom contours you describe will work fine.
Can't comment on fins unless we know whether it's getting keels, modern twins, or quad...
Horse mouth won’t you agree that hand shaped boards can have more stuff going on than creating them on computer?Creating boards on computer gives too clean of a line.Un blended bottoms can break mass amts of water,so I prefer hand shaping to computer.I hope I made sense.
Sorry bro but my english is not that good so I need a litle help to understand what you mean with
´´…gives too clean of a line´´
´´can break mass amts of water´´
You are saying that the program create unblended bottoms?
Well, I hope u explain it better…
I had the opportunity to learn the basics of shaping with a friend and I hand shaped and glassed around 30 boards since that, I dont live in the same city any more so I lost contact with that guy but I still trying to learning measuring, reading posts here etc…I have my own wood templates and stuff and I really enjoy getting crazy and breaking my mind thinking about curves and numbers…testing my own stuff.
I tried CNC just once coz I was curious to see how that thing work, and I´m learning how to use the softwares coz I think is good to see how the board looks like, before u shape it…Also its very useful if u need to ask a question if you show the lines and numbers instead of just words…
But with my litle experience I think the softwares cant make magic boards without scanning…just use then to see how my idea looks like without wasting a new blank and smelling lots of fiberglass dust…
well, I think every shaper had a guy who helped him when he was starting and I´m very gateful for the guys who gave me any litle help.
yeahhh I know !!! hahahah I have no control with the plane and also with the program hahaahahah I could never sand a deep concave without fuck´n my numbers hahahha but I dont care one day I will get it right !!!
I was looking your website , nice shapes man , the second board, that litle one with wide point back is gorgeous itit seems to fly !!!
I use AKU Shaper for just a visual. once you start getting a few different shapes under your belt you figure out what needs to change in them to suit your surfing.
Ok what I’m saying is that most master boards are hand shaped and one can do way more with ones hands than the computer so lay off the computer and hand shape as much as possible.Way more options and control with the hands baby!!! wooooooooooo yaaaaa!!!
I make all my own boards so I can say with confidence that ugly boards work great! In my experience ugly green boards surf the best...... Welcome to Sways. Mike