French Cuisine

Because of what is in that thread, I allow myself to show you the boards I shape.

So far, I reached N°12 as a shaper, helped friends to shape their first one 4 times and laminated 15 (the last one becomes to be really clean an bubbleless).

That picture showes my 6 first boards before they were separated.

N°1 is the round tail single. (size about 6’3" x 19")

The diamondtail thruster (same template as shwuz’s) is my N°2. (size about 6’7" x 18"1/2)

The diamondtail thruster N°3 with a large red line is the first decoration I made and the first board that’ve been ordered by a friend.(size about 6’5" x 19"1/2)

N°4 is the steve lis fish… Was hard to achieve because there are virtualy no fishes like that in France and had to imagine everything after photos (and I read Swaylock’s a lot to). (size about 5’10" x 20")

N°5 is a swallow/wingers single fin. I made it for myself and the board behave like I hoped more or less. (size about 6’2" x 18"1/2)

The log is my 6th try. At last I painted large blue stris on it. (size about 9’2" x 22")

Then came that strange bonezr stubbie. (size about 6’0" x 20")

I cut it out a log I delaminated and reshape. Here you can read about it:

The thing is I did not really need more boards at home. So, I made it to share it with friends met through the internet… like the single fin yellow. The project is called OMNI. So far, 6 users surfed it and it goes on travelling in France.

That one is the second french fryed fish I made. It really rides nice. Lovelly board. (size about 5"10" x 20):

That one is my first bonzer5. (size about 5’11" x 18"3/4)

At first, a friend I helped to shpe his N°1 wanted to make it his N°2 but each time he wanted me to show him. When it came to the rails first and then to the concaves, he was so affraid I had to finish it all. I cans tell I shaped that one 90%.:

N°9 is my first egg. A true spary and posca job. Very clean board (size about 6’4" x 20"1/2).

N°10 is for a friend who leaves bodyboard and starts surfing. He loves the board. (size about 6’6" x 19"1/2)

N°11 is what I called Evolufish. Big board for a beginner. He just had a Bic so far… (size about 6’8" x 20")

N°12 is the last one. The DOOR is the name of that board. It’s a Big stubbie bonzer3. (size about 6’8" x 21")

The two boards I made are the dark yellow (light brown) board, “the door” and the grey one, the little bonzer5.

Here we are.

You know everything almost.

thanks very much Lob !

I enjoy your postings and photos …your boards always inspire me .

Please post here regularly , I’ve missed your posts !


looks like you’re the only one. :wink:

nah , Chris …

I’m just the only one who SAYS it !

I’m sure PLENTY of others are inspired !


Lob, don’t say that! We really appreciate your work.

Does your wife dig those fancy ironing boards?

In fact, she’s not really keen on my new bonzer attraction, she prefered from far my flat bottom inspiration…

Nevermind, I don’t wear shirts.

as long as you tell her you prefer HER bottom to your flat bottom , or the funky bonzer bottom , everything should be SWEET , mate !



Really like your boards. Thanks for posting the pictures! I have a question about your bonzer3. What are the dimensions (length, height) and fin placment numbers (toe, cant), for your side runners. I am ready to make some side-runners for a board that I am building and your setup looks like what I want.



nice boards!

Question - which came first, the board or the tatoo?

Hey LOB,

as a designer and sculptor I’d just like to say that your boards are elegant and beautiful…

very nice!



I have a question about your bonzer3. What are the dimensions (length, height) and fin placment numbers (toe, cant), for your side runners. Thanks,


Monsieur Rick.

Wich bonzer are you talking about ?

The little yellow “OMNI” is a 6’0" x 20"1/2 x 2"1/4, rocker less thing.

Side runners are about 25cm (10") long and 6cm high.

Angle regarding perpendicular is 20°

I’ve put the back of the runners 3cm (a bit more than 1") from rail and took 1cm (less than 1/2") at the front end.

The bigger is a 6’8"x 21" x3" came out of a 6’9"A

Side fins are 30cm long (1’) and 6.5cm high (2"1/2).

I’ve got the same system: 3cm and 1cm closer to the stringer.


nice boards!

Question - which came first, the board or the tatoo?

The girl.


your boards are elegant and beautiful…

Merci beaucoup.


nice boards!

Question - which came first, the board or the tatoo?

The girl.

Very interesting board.

Very interesting tatoo.

But, most of all, very interesting girl. (Hey, Salem, you’re on Swaylock’s now! What’s next? Hollywood?)

hey mate your diamond tails look great… i use them a lot and really enjoy the performance

But, most of all, very interesting girl. (Hey, Salem, you’re on Swaylock’s now! What’s next? Hollywood?)

salem = peace in french , doesn’t it ??

…you lucky man !!

Good boards , good girl , peaceful life …what more could a surfer hope for …good waves to ya Lob !


p.s. - does she have a sister in Perth ? [if not , does her sister want to migrate ?!] …ooh la la …

Salem does not mean peace in french sorry.

Shalom means peace and it’s an hebrew word.

May be the reason why you confused.

The girl is not mine (mine is even a better -from far- person).

I wish I had good waves.

It’s been many weeks since we had no onshore winds and/or flat.

Summer sucks. You keep waiting for short johns all year long and when comes the time there are no more waves.

Update: two boards are freshly finished: The Door and the flame fish


Pinline black tinted resin tuff job…

Runners are wood core and texalium cloth.

Le rocker and thickness (3")

The other one:

global sight:



Pictures and update of the freshly finished boards:

The first Bonzer5 I made:

Certainly perfectible but I improved a lot my glassing/sanding skills on that one.

A Tri fin for a friend who only surfes 9’ and 10".

Wanted a shorter board.