Drew Everest
R.I.P. Milton V.
[ ... I STILL miss this mate , even ten years on . Some people are just such GREAT company ...
both shots taken , years apart , by Steve [a mate] , using my camera[s]...
'tongo' [Lee Parkinson]...
Lane Alver...
'M.R.' [Mick Ryan]...
I forget this queenslander's name , sorry ...
[photo by mate , Steve] yours truly , on Steve's cutdown , thinned mal....
Yadin Nichol....
Shane McGough
Frank Mikulandra [on an orange stubbie he made at my place]..
a wave at 'G.T.'s [this was taken on the same afternoon as the water shot of Shane]..
Darren Harwood
Herb Faust [who recently beat 'Iron Chef' Geoff Grossi , on 'Iron Chef Australia" !]
[ story here ....http://www.perthnow.com.au/entertainment/perth-confidential/perths-herb-trounces-iron-chef/story-e6frg30l-1225950781216 ]
[Herb , like his Californian namesake , is also an UNREAL skater ....]
in the days of these photos [the early 1990s] , he used to have hair to halfway down his back . That all changed when he became a chef , got married , and became a dad ... [but both his kids skate , which is good !]
the herbmeister does filth airs [skating AND surfing , too ! ]
Drew again...
steve seranna [sp?]
Dave Macaulay's brother , Gregg [aka "Noddy"], one of scarborough's best tuberiders ...
and all around good surfer , good bloke , and shaper and glasser , sander , and fin maker and dad ...
my favourite single fin , from 1981 [ I wish I still had this , as it was only months before the energy thrusters came into being !]...off the top of my head , it was 5'10" x 19" ...
DAVE Macaulay ...
.... I'm not sure who this is , I just remember the shot was taken in a 'free surf ' * area outside a Quiksilver Surf League comp back in the early 1990s ...
[ * isn't ALL surf [supposed to be , anyway] free ??!!]
near Rosco's...
Steve McGough...
ahhh memories [hopefully , NEVER again ?!] ....