From the dusty old vault...

My thoughtful son gave me a slide/neg scanner for Xmas.

I’ve been enjoying revisiting my old B&W negs from the 70’s…

I’ll attempt to share some.

Stand by.

MR! Grommethood legend! Bring on more mate.


Sadly I read he's closing the Newcastle shop, where this awestruck kid bought a pir of those multi-layered flip-flops SO long ago...



Very nice Laz, did you take the pics? Theyre great !!

Hiya Simon,

They are really good pics. Was that pre Tracks days for you? Those pics bring back a lot of memories for me. I started out surfing singles. One day out at Voodoo (near Cronulla) I saw the most unbelievable round-house cutback, shifting a lot of water and covering about 30’ foot of the wave face at amazing speed. I spoke to the guy and basically said WTF, and he said its a twin fin, thats what they can do.

I was sold. The first one I bought was a 5’10  San Juan, but soon got hold of an MR. Thrusters appeared about a year later and twins quickly went out of fashion, virtually disappearing overnight, although they never captured more than about 20% (if that) of the market around Cronulla.

Yeah Speedneedle, sad to see the MR shop closing after all these years. It was one of those comfortable bits of nostalgia that seemed would always be with us.

Simon, hopefully we’ll see a few more fom the archive.



thanks heaps for posting them here !

cheers !


…there’s some gold coming , crew !!

“sad to see MR closing down his shop”

not entirely true… rumours are a new board store opening up with MR being slightly involved maybe even setting up a shaping bay for him when he feels like a day of shaping… Hopefully the MR legend will live on… Newy will never let their favorite son disappear …

Here's a link to that news - And yes, it mentions his intention to continue shaping for some other dude's shop...



The bottom turn shot from the '79 Coke is classic… 

The water sheeting off, you can see the inside fin just below the surface… 

Thanks for sharing.

Ps.  Can one one of the tech heads put those pics in line please…









































































Chrisp, can you talk me through how to do that!

I’d really like to be able to caption my photos and I caint do it when they’re just an attachment.

I worked for Tracks magazine in Aus from '77 to late '79 so I have a few pix from that interesting time.

Unfortunately the scanner is fairly agricultural, apologies for the quality, but financial  priority has been given to more pressing matters. 

Nice pics Simon!

Definitely not a “tech head”, Huck taught me how…

Right click on the photo, copy image URL.

When posting, click on the tree icon.

Paste. Tab, Tab, select “align left”. Click “insert”.


Chrisp, can you talk me through how to do that!

I'd really like to be able to caption my photos and I caint do it when they're just an attachment.

I worked for Tracks magazine in Aus from '77 to late '79 so I have a few pix from that interesting time.

Unfortunately the scanner is fairly agricultural, apologies for the quality, but financial  priority has been given to more pressing matters. 



hiya Simon !


IS  this a very young ERLE with the jet bottom ????


  cheers !

