[ 2]Hello Paul… [/] Greetings from the great white north… I’m still waiting on cork for the side rails of my board… While I was waiting for materials… I made a dog sled with the same concept… It gave me a chance to work with the epoxy and the polyester… I learned a lot… Anyways, take care… Rollie
Rollie: It looks like you have created the snowboard of the sled world. Having very little experience with sleds, I was wondering how you keep it from sliding out on ice. Do you have runners on the bottem? In any case - nice work!
Edited: Upon closer examination I now see the runners.
I have a 13 year old daughter that is sled dog crazy. Wants to move the family to Alaska. We have talked about building a sled( she harnesses her dogs to her bike, now). Is there any more info about materials, plans, construction, that could be forwarded or access by me?Mike
Thanks for posting the pics Paul, as Ive been workshopping ideas for modifying a long skate to mimic a dog sled as my akita and labby think it’s just hysterical to yank me off my board as many times as possible per “outs”, partially dislocating shoulders in the process, I figure a sled with a crude stomp brake might do the trick.Secondly you gotta love a watercraft that your pooches can be in direct participation with. Please pass on to Rollie “beatiful work”. Glenn
thanks for the nice words guys. I found sled plans in the September/October 1999 issue of MUSHING magazine, and then just kind of modified them to suit my purpose. Once I learned to cut tenon joints and router mortises, it was pretty easy. If you can’t get the back issue, send your address and I’ll make a copy for you.