from the mouths of babes...

i was just on my way home from work and listening to the radio.

they were doing a story about a Junior High school and it’s unusual

music program. it sounded a lot like that movie “School Of Rock”.

the kids were doing the music, the lighting, the stage production,

the singing, the promotion posters, etc… i think this is the program

they interviewed a young lady by the name of Brea Dang (hope i spelled

it correctly) who is in the program as a singer. she originally was trying

out for her school’s talent show and somebody at the tryouts said

she should try this program.

Ms. Dang was sharp and articulate and seemed wise beyond her 13 years.

she said that she liked Rock and Roll, and also older music like Frank

Sinatra. right now, she is really interested in Ella Fitzgerald.

the host asked her if she thought now that she wanted to go on

American Idol. and her answer was as refreshing as it was inciteful.

no… this isn’t something i want to do for money. this is what i want to do

for fun. “if it’s not fun anymore then i can’t do it.”

singing and music is what she loves to do. by saying that it is her pastime

and that she doesn’t want to do it for a job she seems to minimize it’s

importance to her but, in actuality, she reveals the true depth to which

she loves her art. singing for contest, money, or for a job would cheapen

it and take away from her enjoyment of it.

listening to her, i couldn’t help but smile. it was good to hear my own feelings

expressed so simply and eloquently especially by a person so young.

they couldn’t pay me enough to surf… they also couldn’t pay me little enough

to surf… my surfing is for my soul, surfing is my time with my God, surfing is my

time to bask and wonder in the awe of how minute i am and how great he is,

surfing is time with good friends, some i know by name, some i don’t, surfing is

sometimes the only time i hoot gleefully with a full heart at another person’s

good fortune, surfing is time to think and to be introspective, surfing relaxes me,

surfing excites me, surfing is my gift to many, surfing helps me put my life in

perspective, surfing is my expression and my art, surfing is my connection to

great and beautiful queens and kings of ancient times, surfing is my connection

to beautiful young children stoked and playing just like i do, surfing allows me

to release aggression, surfing is healthy and right…

“if it’s not fun anymore then i can’t do it”

well put…

Thanks for that Chris…it’s all about the Aloha!!
