fun with a Cruisy style 2+1 Diamond tail

Im currently building myself a new board.…1600-h/hermitage.JPG i wanted to ride something classic but with my own technical touches. im using kirri (paulonia) wood and ply. this pic is at about 4 hours into the project. i have a couple more steps done( i do a little at a time in between designing & finish shaping/creating board art/running business at the shop) and was attempting to bag the deck on today… i pulled to much pressure and blew out 4 ribs… so back to the woodpile!

i will do some more photo updates in the next few days.

jeez dave what are you doing there


more pics plz…

vac bagged the deck on today and forgot to take pics…

Hi Dave,

Just caught this thread. Very clean work. Could you tell us a little more about the deck? I’m curious about what you used for materials, and also your experience bagging the deck on. Any oil canning issues?


oil canning?

It’s a term I heard here for the first time, sorry for not explaining.

It’s where the ribs are a bit prominent through the skin, with slight depressions in the empty areas. Looks like the side of an oil drum.


ahh i get it know. ok yes i had ribs showing thru real bad first time! i pulled to much pressure and popped some ribs. i fixed them up and tried again. with a bit less pressure. i had lots of ribs showing under pressure but once the glue set and the pressure was off they sprung out. just struggling thru getting the rail bands around the tight curves at the moment…


for the tight curves, go with thinner multiple layers. So, if you’re using 1/8" and it’s not bending around the nose, use 2 layers of 1/16" instead. Takes more time, but works like a charm.
